With its radars sweeping most of the earths surfaces, srtm acquired enough data during its ten days of operation to obtain the most complete nearglobal highresolution database of the earths topography. The shuttle radar topography mission srtm, dts99 from february 11 to 22, 2000 was an usgermanitalian effort to produce a first global digital elevation model dem. Geo elevation data parser for the shuttle radar topography. Accessing and downloading global topographic data alos world 3d aw3d30 and shuttle radar topography mission srtm 30m and 90m datasets. Shuttle radar topography mission srtm gl1 global 30m ellipsoidal. Data were produced by nasa from radar data collected by the shuttle radar topography mission in february 2000. The topography of the area comprised an undulating terrain that has a maximum elevation of 348 m in the northwest and a minimum elevation of 170 m in the east. The srtm digital elevation data, produced by nasa originally, is a major.
If youre interested in images and visualizations created from srtm data, go to the image product description page. Users should be aware that these data are intended for use with a geographic information system gis or other special application software, and are not directly viewable in a browser. For 11 days in february 2000, the space shuttle endeavour conducted the shuttle radar topography mission srtm using cband and xband interferometric synthetic aperture radars to acquire topographic data over 80% of the earths land mass, creating the. These are highly reflective structures that appear as a bright point in the radar image. The project was a joint endeavor of nasa, the national geospatial. For example, the shuttle radar topography mission srtm data forms a popular digital elevation model dem, a surface model representing ground elevation as an ordered set of numerical arrays. Shuttle radar topography mission srtm 1 overview the shuttle radar topography mission srtm was flown aboard the space shuttle endeavour february 1122, 2000. Geological survey usgs is distributing elevation data from the shuttle radar topography mission srtm. The links are connected directly to the nasa site courtesy of nasangausgs. In addition, nasas jpl deployed corner reflectors during the mission.
Shuttle radar topography mission srtm data have been enhanced to fill areas of missing data void filled to provide more complete digital elevation data with a resolution of 1 arcsecond 30 meters and 3 arcseconds 90 meters for global coverage. May 2, 2019 a nearglobal digital elevation model that allows software authors to determine the terrain height of nearly any point on earth. The national aeronautics and space administration nasa and the national geospatialintelligence agency nga participated in an international project to acquire radar data, which. Nasa has released version 2 of the shuttle radar topography mission digital topographic data also known as the finished version. Srtm xsar digital elevation model dem 10 mosaics global abstract. Users can subset and download data by area of interest in multiple formats and projections. We assess the accuracy and resolution of topography data provided by the shuttle radar topography mission srtm through spectral comparisons with the national elevation dataset ned and a high. Dec 12, 2016 how to download shutle radar topography mission srtm 30m raster from usgs earthexplorer. May 02, 2019 shuttle radar topography mission metadata updated. Digital elevation shuttle radar topography mission. Download 30meter srtm data easily with this point and.
Geoinvestigation on groundwater control in some parts of. Shuttle radar topography mission srtm data access and. Opentopography shuttle radar topography mission srtm. Space shuttle radar topography mission srtm during its 11day mission, the space shuttle endeavour orbited the earth 16 times. Using shuttle radar topography mission srtm data in surfer. Digital elevation model of ireland, from nasas shuttle. Download 30meter srtm data easily with this point and click.
Arranged in tiles that are 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude, shuttle radar topography mission srtm data was acquired over a 11day. Mission and instrument characteristics the srtm was flown on board the space shuttle endeavor during mission sts99, which was in orbit from february 11 to february 22 of 2000. This interface attempts to ease the pain of downloading 30meter resolution elevation data from the shuttle radar topography. Please see the linked pdf files for further documentation. As part of this mission, it captured earths topography at 1 arcsecond 30 meters for over 80% of the earths surface. Any download policies of the respective mirrors apply. Geological survey fact sheet 20093087 september 2009 shuttle radar topography mission srtm. This interface attempts to ease the pain of downloading 30meter resolution elevation data from the shuttle radar topography mission click on yellow tiles to download their corresponding data. Nasa shuttle radar topography mission srtm version 3. Originally only the 3 arc second data was available but in september 2014 the 1 arc second data was also released. Accuracy and resolution of shuttle radar topography mission data. The dem data on this site are version 3 of the csisrtm data with included. These reflectors deployed with precisely measured coordinates, served as control points in the shuttle radar topography mission data. The ned data are derived from topographic map data compiled in 1952.
The shuttle radar topography mission srtm was flown aboard the space shuttle endeavour february 1122, 2000. Geodata 9 second dem version 3 geoscience australia, 2008 used to fill voids. Accessing shuttle radar topography mission srtm dem data from opentopography. Srtm consisted of a specially modified radar system that flew onboard the space shuttle endeavour during an 11day mission in february of 2000. Srtm shuttle radar topography mission center for earth. Digital elevation model of ireland, from nasas shuttle radar. Accuracy and resolution of shuttle radar topography mission. Data can be downloaded using a browser or accessed directly from the ftp site. This data was collected during the shuttle radar topography mission srtm and contains full coverage of the united states in 1 by 1 degree blocks with an approximate resolution of 30 by 30 meters. Do not select the datasets that have the phrase second number v003 as part of their tittle. Webgis geographic information systems resource gis.
Shuttle radar topography mission produces a wealth of data. This data center does not have any contact mechanisms listed. Shuttle radar topography mission srtm gl1 global 30m. Under an agreement with the national aeronautics and space administration nasa and the department of defenses national geospatialintelligence agency nga, the u. The shuttle radar topography mission, which flew aboard nasas space shuttle endeavour during an 11day mission in 2000, made the first nearglobal topographical map of earth, collecting data on nearly 80 percent of earths land surfaces. How to download shutle radar topography mission srtm 30m raster from usgs earthexplorer. On february 11, 2000, the shuttle radar topography mission srtm payload onboard space shuttle endeavour launched into space. Highresolution topographic data generated from nasas shuttle radar topography mission srtm in 2000, previously only available for the united states, will be released globally over the next year, the white house announced today. The shuttle radar topography mission srtm is an international research effort that obtained digital elevation models on a nearglobal scale from 56s to 60n, to generate the most complete highresolution digital topographic database of earth prior to the release of the aster gdem in 2009. The nearglobal topographic maps of earth called digital elevation models dems are made from the cband radar data. This dataset is covered by different terms of use than data. The data are available for download and can be used in surfer. The srtm is a joint project of nasa and nga to map the earths land surface in three dimensions at an unprecedented. Pdf accuracy and resolution of shuttle radar topography.
The national aeronautics and space administration nasa and the national geospatialintelligence agency nga participated in an international project to acquire radar data which were used to create the first nearglobal set of land elevations. The topography map of the area is derived from the shuttle radar topography mission srtm data. The shuttle radar topography mission srtm collected highresolution elevation data during the february 2000 flight of the space shuttle endeavour. Feb 11, 2000 the shuttle radar topography mission, which flew aboard nasas space shuttle endeavour during an 11day mission in 2000, made the first nearglobal topographical map of earth, collecting data on nearly 80 percent of earths land surfaces. A radar mission, carried by nasa space shuttle endeavour, completed feb 2000 consisted of 176 orbits around earth. For 11 days in february 2000, the space shuttle endeavour conducted the shuttle radar topography mission srtm using cband and xband interferometric synthetic aperture radars to acquire topographic data over 80% of the earths land mass, creating the firstever nearglobal data set of land elevations. Apr 19, 2019 derek watkins has created a simple and easy to use interface for downloading 30meter srtm data. At the time, srtm helped generate the most complete highresolution digital topographic database on earth. If not download it from nasa servers and store locally in. Geo elevation data parser for the shuttle radar topography mission data tkrajinasrtm. The data was acquired simultaneously from aboard the space shuttle endeavor employing two sar antennas, one inside the space shuttles cargo bay, the other at. If you want to download srtm data, those data are available at the us geological surveys eros data center for download.
Documentation for the shuttle radar topography mission srtm. The srtm radar contained two types of antenna panels, cband and xband. Documentation for the shuttle radar topography mission srtm water body data files the srtm water body data files are a byproduct of the data editing performed by the national geospatialintelligence agency nga to produce the finished srtm digital terrain elevation data level 2 dted 2. Shuttle radar topography mission data were used to generate digital. The new data are available for download from the usgs eros data. For geographic context, this site is located at almost the exact center of jpl photojournal image. Srtm shuttle radar topography mission gis geography. Arranged in tiles that are 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude, shuttle radar topography mission srtm data was acquired over a 11day mission in february 2000. Notes of shuttle radar topography mission srtm dem in this link. Downloading satellite data from usgs websites duration.
In late 2014, the united states announced that it would release its highest possible resolution srtm. The shuttle radar topography mission srtm obtained elevation data on a nearglobal scale to generate the most complete highresolution digital topographic database of earth. Intelligence agency, and the german and italian space agencies and flew in february 2000. A radar mission, carried by nasa space shuttle endeavour.
Shuttle radar topography mission project office, jet propulsion laboratory, nasa this data center does not have any addresses listed. Documentation for the shuttle radar topography mission. Vegetation height estimation from shuttle radar topography. Surfer does not read the data files directly, but the data are available in two formats that can be modified for use in surfer bil. Mar 21, 2017 notes of shuttle radar topography mission srtm dem in this link shuttle ra.
The shuttle radar topography mission cband data for north america and south america are available to the public. Dec 18, 2019 geo elevation data parser for the shuttle radar topography mission data tkrajinasrtm. This interface attempts to ease the pain of downloading elevation data from the shuttle radar topography mission. A site in the crater highlands of tanzania reveals the difference between shuttle radar topography mission srtm digital elevation model dem data as originally released in 2004 left and as now released at full resolution in 2014 right. The srtm xsar dem was generated at dlr from this instruments data using radar interferometry technique. Geo elevation data parser for the shuttle radar topography mission data geospatialpythonsrtm.
Click on red tiles to download their corresponding data. Nima used this topographic data from the 11day shuttle radar topography mission srtm for multiple applications, from developing navigation tools and supporting military operations, to geological and environmental purposes. Mar 03, 2020 nasa shuttle radar topography mission v3 global 1 arc second hillshade image of the mt everest regionthe land processes distributed active archive center recently released additional tiles in the nasa srtm version 3. Accuracy and resolution of shuttle radar topography. Citeseerx document details isaac councill, lee giles, pradeep teregowda. Select datasets select the v003 dataset you wish, either nasa shuttle radar topography mission global 3 arc second v003 or nasa shuttle radar topography mission global 3 arc second v003, then click search for granules. Nasa shuttle radar topography mission v3 global 1 arc second hillshade image of the mt everest region. The land processes distributed active archive center recently released additional tiles in the nasa srtm version 3. Registry provides a community populated clearinghouse of software, utilities, and tools oriented towards highresolution topography data e. Srtm was the first spaceborne fixedbaseline insar and marked the largest rigid structure to be deployed in space with a payload. Derek watkins has created a simple and easy to use interface for downloading 30meter srtm data. Srtm did not produce data for the northernmost latitudes or antarctica. This perspective view, looking to the northeast, covers an area of about 37 square miles.
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